Virginia Homemaker/Companion Annual Training

Our collection of courses designed for conitnuing education of Homemaker/Companions in Virginia per the requirements stated in Virginia Section 12VAC30-122-340 - Companion service. Though training should be personalized to the individual Companion, these courses represent the most frequently requested courses for ongoing Homemaker/Companion education in Virginia. This collection contains... Read more

  • 7 courses
  • 8 hours hours
Virginia Homemaker/Companion Annual Training

Course Description

In this course, you will learn about the various types of communication and what effective communication looks like. Additionally, you will be introduced to communication strategies while working with individuals you may come across in the home health care field.

Course Topics

  • Define communication
  • Compare verbal and nonverbal communication
  • Describe active listening
  • Describe how to communicate with people of different cultures
  • Identify barriers to communication
  • Identify what good communication looks like
  • Describe how to communicate with the healthcare team
  • Describe how to communicate with the cognitively impaired
  • Describe how to communicate with older adults

Course Description

In this course, you will be introduced to cultural diversity in healthcare, as well as the importance of being culturally competent. Providing care in a culturally competent way that involves the client and makes them feel understood and valued is an important goal.

Course Topics

  • Define culture, nationality, race, and ethnicity
  • Describe diversity by race and sexual orientation
  • Describe unconscious biases
  • Describe cultural competence
  • Identify the cultural needs patients may have
  • Describe racial and ethnic disparities and how it may affect the health of patients
  • Describe how to provide culturally competent care

Course Description

In this course, you will have an introduction to HIPAA, HITECH, and PHI. Additionally, you will learn ways to protect your client's information.

Course Topics

  • Describe the difference between privacy and confidentiality
  • Define HIPPA, HITECH, and PHI
  • Describe how to keep your client’s health information secure
  • Describe online etiquette for HHAs
  • Describe what behaviors to avoid to protect your client’s health information

Course Description

In this course, you will have an introduction to medical terminology. Additionally, you will receive an overview on various documents you will have to complete.

Course Topics

  • Describe basic medical terminology
  • Describe common abbreviations used in health care
  • Describe how to give and receive a verbal report
  • Explain the types of factual observations
  • Describe the importance and purposes of written documentation
  • Demonstrate how to create effective written documentation

Course Description

Incident Reporting is a crucial aspect of maintaining a safe and secure environment in caregiving settings. As a caregiver, it is essential to understand the importance of timely and accurate reporting of incidents, such as accidents, injuries, near-misses, and other safety concerns. This course focuses on the principles and procedures of incident reporting, helping caregivers recognize and respond to various situations that may require documentation and notification to relevant authorities. By mastering incident reporting, caregivers can contribute to the prevention of future incidents and ensure the well-being of the individuals under their care.

Course Topics

  • Identify types of incidents that require reporting
  • Understand the process of documenting incidents
  • Recognize the role of confidentiality in incident reporting
  • Learn to communicate effectively with relevant parties
  • Understand legal and ethical responsibilities related to incident reporting
  • Develop strategies for preventing future incidents

Course Description

In this course, you will learn about the chain of infection. Additionally, we will discuss PPE.

Course Topics

  • Describe the chain of infection
  • Describe standard precautions and when you should use them
  • Describe transmission-based precautions
  • Identify the different types of PPE
  • Describe how to don and doff your PPE
  • Identify the bloodborne pathogens and describe their modes of transmission
  • Describe antibiotic-resistant organisms
  • Describe the precautions to be taken for the prevention of COVID-19

Course Description

Introduction to Dementia Care is a course designed to provide an understanding of dementia, its various types, and the impact it has on individuals, families, and caregivers. This course is for home health aides who want to gain knowledge about dementia and the strategies that can be used when providing care. The course will help learners understand the challenges faced by people with dementia, as well as the best practices for providing support and care to enhance their quality of life.

Course Topics

  • Understand the symptoms and progression of dementia
  • Recognize the impact of dementia on individuals and their families
  • Learn effective communication techniques for people with dementia
  • Understand the importance of person-centered care
  • Identify strategies for managing challenging behaviors in dementia care
  • Explore the role of activities and environmental factors in dementia care