An Overview of Care After Hospital Discharge

An Overview of Care After Hospital Discharge

The course "An Overview of Care After Hospital Discharge" is designed for caregivers who play a crucial role in the care of patients post their discharge from the hospital. The course aims to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively manage their client's health and wellness after hospitalization. This entails understanding the importance of follow-up appointments, medication management, dietary changes, exercise regimens, wound care, and signs of potential health complications.

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  • Lessons: 6
  • Number of tests: 3
  • Hours: 1.0 hours
  • Students who are studying this course: 245
What you will learn
  • Understanding and managing medication
  • Dietary considerations post-discharge
  • Importance of physical activity in recovery
  • Wound care management
  • Recognizing signs of health complications


    • Understanding the Importance of Follow-up CareUnderstanding the Importance of Follow-up Care
    • 5 mins
    • Medication Management Post-dischargeMedication Management Post-discharge
    • 7 mins
    • Dietary Changes and ConsiderationsDietary Changes and Considerations
    • 7 mins
    • Knowledge Review Knowledge Review
    • 4 mins
    • Role of Physical Activity in RecoveryRole of Physical Activity in Recovery
    • 5 mins
    • Wound Care: Basics and Best PracticesWound Care: Basics and Best Practices
    • 7 mins
    • Recognizing and Addressing Health ComplicationsRecognizing and Addressing Health Complications
    • 6 mins
    • Knowledge Review Knowledge Review
    • 4 mins
    • Exam- An Overview of Care After Hospital Discharge Exam- An Overview of Care After Hospital Discharge
    • 15 mins

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