Florida Assisted Living Facility - Direct Care Staff - Annual In Service Training

Our collection of courses for the annual in service training of Florida Assisted Living Direct Care Staff aligns with the requirements in Section 429.52 - Staff training and educational requirements of the Florida Administrative Code. This collection also includes four hours of dementia-related training as required by Section 430.5025... Read more

  • 9 courses
  • 9 hours hours
Florida Assisted Living Facility - Direct Care Staff - Annual In Service Training

Course Description

An Overview of Mental Illness Care is a comprehensive course designed to educate caregivers on the basics of mental health disorders and their management. This course aims to equip caregivers with the necessary knowledge and skills to provide compassionate and effective care to individuals suffering from mental illnesses. The course will cover a wide range of topics, including understanding mental health disorders, recognizing symptoms, identifying appropriate treatment options, and developing coping strategies for both the caregiver and the individual with mental illness. By the end of the course, participants will be able to provide more informed and empathetic care to those living with mental health conditions.

Course Topics

  • Recognize common mental health disorders
  • Understand the symptoms and causes of mental health disorders
  • Identify appropriate treatment options for various mental illnesses
  • Develop coping strategies for caregivers
  • Recognize the role of family and support systems in mental illness care

Course Description

Client Control and the Independent Living Philosophy is a course designed for caregivers to better understand and implement the principles of independent living for their clients. The course aims to empower caregivers with the knowledge and skills necessary to promote autonomy, self-determination, and informed decision-making among their clients. Caregivers will learn the importance of respecting and supporting their clients' choices, preferences, and goals, while also helping them receive peer support and become integrated in the community.

Course Topics

  • Explain the principles of client control
  • Understand the role of a caregiver in promoting client independence
  • Identify strategies for effective communication and collaboration with clients
  • Recognize the importance of boundaries and maintaining professional relationships
  • Learn how to support clients in setting and achieving their goals
  • Support growth and community integration of clients with disabilities

Course Description

Recognition of Behaviors Indicating Increased Distress is a course designed for caregivers to help them understand, identify, and respond to signs of emotional, mental, or physical distress in individuals under their care. Caregivers play a crucial role in providing support and assistance to those in need, and being able to recognize signs of distress can enable them to intervene and provide appropriate care. This course will explore various factors that contribute to distress, different types of distressing behaviors, and strategies for managing and alleviating distress in a professional and empathetic manner.

Course Topics

  • Recognize signs of emotional, mental, and physical distress
  • Typical and atypical behaviors and signs indicative of impending crisis
  • Identify potential triggers for distressing behaviors
  • Effective and ineffective coping styles
  • Develop techniques for managing and reducing distress
  • Understand the importance of self-care for caregivers in managing their own stress and well-being

Course Description

Assisting with Medication Self-Administration Part 1 is a foundational course designed for caregivers who provide support to individuals requiring assistance with their medications. This course will focus on the essential knowledge and skills necessary for caregivers to safely and effectively help individuals with self-medication management. Topics covered will include understanding medication types, routes of administration, proper storage, and documentation, as well as recognizing and reporting potential side effects and adverse reactions.

Course Topics

  • Learn about various routes of administration
  • The five rights of medication administration
  • Proper medication storage and handling
  • Accurate documentation of medication administration
  • Recognizing and reporting potential side effects and adverse reactions
  • Importance of medication adherence and compliance
  • Appropriate communication with healthcare professionals regarding medications

Course Description

Assisting with Medication Self-Administration Paer 2 is a course designed for caregivers who wish to enhance their skills in helping patients manage their medications effectively and safely. This intermediate-level course delves into the responsibilities of caregivers in administering medications, understanding medication labels, recognizing common medication side effects, and addressing medication-related issues. The course is tailored for caregivers in the US and adheres to the applicable guidelines and best practices.

Course Topics

  • Reading and interpreting medication labels and instructions
  • Identifying common medications and their uses
  • Ensuring medication safety and adherence
  • Addressing medication-related concerns and emergencies
  • Documenting medication administration

Course Description

The Gentle Approach in dementia care is a person-centered method for managing responsive behaviors associated with dementia. It emphasizes the use of non-confrontational communication techniques and gentle physical interventions to reduce agitation, aggression, and other challenging behaviors. The course aims to provide caregivers with the necessary knowledge, skills, and attitudes to provide compassionate care for individuals with dementia. By understanding the causes of responsive behaviors and learning how to engage and communicate effectively, caregivers can create a supportive environment that promotes well-being and enhances the quality of life for people living with dementia.

Course Topics

  • Understand the principles of person-centered care
  • Identify the causes of responsive behaviors in dementia
  • Learn effective communication techniques for individuals with dementia
  • Develop skills for managing challenging behaviors
  • Recognize the importance of self-care for caregivers

Course Description

Person Centered Dementia Care is an essential course for caregiving staff who work with individuals living with dementia. The course focuses on understanding the unique experiences and needs of people with dementia and emphasizes the importance of providing person-centered care. This approach respects and values the individuality of each person, taking into account their preferences, abilities, and life history. By adopting person-centered care strategies, caregivers can enhance the quality of life for those living with dementia and support their dignity, autonomy, and well-being.

Course Topics

  • Principles of person-centered care in dementia
  • Supporting selfhood and individuality in dementia care
  • Supporting family members and caregivers of people with dementia
  • Identifying key components of person-centered dementia care

Course Description

Activities for Older Adults with Dementia is a course designed to help caregiving staff to understand the unique challenges and needs of individuals living with dementia. The course focuses on the importance of engaging older adults with dementia in meaningful and stimulating activities to promote overall mental, emotional, and physical well-being. As a caregiver, you will learn about various activities that can be tailored to the interests, abilities, and cognitive levels of individuals with dementia, as well as strategies for adapting these activities to individual needs. The course will also cover techniques for managing behavioral symptoms and fostering positive interactions with older adults with dementia.

Course Topics

  • The importance of meaningful activities for older adults with dementia
  • Strategies for engaging older adults with dementia in activities
  • Adapting activities to individual needs and abilities
  • Techniques for managing behavioral symptoms and promoting positive interactions

Course Description

Communication Strategies in Dementia Care is a course specifically designed for caregiving staff to enhance their skills in effectively communicating with patients suffering from dementia. Dementia is a progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects cognitive abilities, leading to challenges in communication and understanding. This course aims to equip caregivers with the knowledge and techniques necessary to provide compassionate and effective care to patients with dementia while maintaining a strong emotional connection.

Course Topics

  • Identifying common communication challenges in dementia care
  • Utilizing effective verbal and nonverbal communication techniques
  • Implementing active listening and empathy in dementia care
  • Adapting communication strategies to different stages of dementia
  • Recognizing and managing challenging behaviors in dementia patients
  • Supporting patients' independence and dignity through effective communication
  • Collaborating with other healthcare professionals in dementia care